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Photo by Sarah Arnold

Dec. 6: 7 p.m.
Dec. 13: 7 p.m.
Dec. 20: 7 p.m.

Dec. 27: 6:15 p.m. Hanukkah Celebration
Jan. 3: 6:15 p.m. Consecration


Our doors are open to all who seek to worship, learn and serve the community.

Services at Temple Beit Torah are a learning experience; our goal is to broaden the understanding of Judaism. Experience our interactive service. Come learn with us.
Shabbat Services are held most Friday evenings at 7 p.m. MST, in person and on Zoom. The final Friday of every month is a Family Service, which begins at 6:15 p.m.
Masks are optional, but recommended, for all vaccinated members. For the safety of everyone, especially those with underlying medical conditions and other vulnerabilities, we ask everyone to continue to observe social distancing guidelines.
Guests, please pre-register for both Zoom and in-person service.
Members must pre-register for in-person services.
Lay Leader Shabbats are here! The Ritual Committee is recruiting members to lead monthly lay lead services. You can give a d'var torah, lead a discussion, bring us new tunes, or otherwise bring your own creativity to the service all with the support of the Ritual Committee. If you're interested in leading, contact Ritual Committee chair Dick Conn.


An Oneg (which means “Joy of Sabbath”) is an informal gathering in which we celebrate the joy of the Sabbath. This means we get to enjoy refreshments together as a community after Shabbat services Friday night.
At TBT we are Kosher style (not Kosher), which means no pork, no shellfish, no meat and dairy together. Challah is supplied by the temple and kept in the freezer. The temple administrator will take the challah out of the freezer each Friday morning to defrost, and will get it prepped for services.    
Wine and grape juice are also supplied by the temple, and will need to be poured into the small cups kept in the cabinet next to the main refrigerator, and placed in the trays, one tray for wine, one for grape juice.  
As we return to the joy of eating together, we want to remind you of TBT’s food policies. If you have questions about any of the rules below, or want help planning a great oneg, feel free to reach out to Ritual Committee Chair Dick Conn ( Thanks for keeping our community safe, healthy, and nourished!
No pork or shellfish should be served at TBT
Please keep dairy and meat on separate plates. When possible, it is preferred for meat and dairy to be served on separate tables. You can find “meat table” and “dairy table” signs in the kitchen. (Note that fish, eggs, grains, legumes, and produce can be served on either the meat table, the dairy table, or both).
Please do your best to provide gluten free and vegan options when planning a meal or oneg to be inclusive of all congregants.
Please label dishes that contain high frequency allergens (ie nuts, dairy, eggs, gluten) and/or label dishes that are safe to eat for people with dietary restrictions (ie “gluten free,” “nut free,” or “vegetarian”).
Please bring enough food to share with 15-30 people. Some food options include: fruit, cheese and crackers, chips, bagels, cakes, cookies, or pastries. Store bought or homemade are both appropriate. Please make sure to include a few gluten free and nut free options, for those with dietary constraints. Coffee and tea are also supplied by the temple, but feel free to add soda and/or juice if you’d like.      
We would love to see everyone host an oneg, on your own or with a friend. This is a beautiful mitzvah which provides an opportunity to build community and friendships in our congregation    
To sign up please contact Heather Southard. There will also be a sign-up sheet downstairs in the social hall.
Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785