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Temple Beit Torah is a small congregation. We rely strongly on volunteers to get involved and help keep things running smoothly. This is also a great way to meet other members of our community.

And – it’s a MITZVAH! 

Listed below are our standing committees. Please consider joining one:








Adult Education Committee


Oversee educational opportunities


Promote education in the community, oversee adult education.


Rebecca Operhall









Budget and Finance


Partner with the Treasurer to research and oversee the finances of the Temple


Prepare Annual budget, examine monthly financials, quarterly budget reviews, make recommendations to maintain budget, research and make proposals on financial issues, review Temple insurance policy annually.


Temple Treasurer








Building and Grounds


Oversee the building and ground maintenance


Maintain building and grounds as necessary, research and make recommendations for repairs and upgrades, Maximize the use of building budget, Present monthly reports to the Board, Spending over the building budget must be approved by a majority of the Board.


Contact Office








Caring Committee


To be of support and comfort to members of our sacred community whenever possible in the most inclusive way


Our current primary focus:  The needs of TBT Members on the Mi Shebeirach List; we will also reach out to membership with a joyful High Holiday message and eventually incorporate efforts to support membership for celebratory occasions.



   Deborah Roszmann










Manage the TBT message over multiple platforms


Coordinate print and media communications that go to the TBT community and COS community,


Miriam Roth








Community Committee


Organization of people dedicated to supporting the needs of the Temple


Provide social activities, supply the TBT kitchen, organize service projects, enhance experiences for temple members and non-members


Amber Woodside










Raise funds in addition to dues for the Temple


Determine financial needs of Temple in cooperation with the Board, plan and execute fundraising activities


Oliver Scofield








Garden Committee


Maintain backyard area plants and landscape


Responsibilities include planting, watering and weeding as well as procuring and installing landscape items as needed


Ellen Harmon










Identify and cultivate potential members and retain membership


Outreach to new members once Board approved, talk with potential members and greet new members. Plan community events to enhance membership, outreach to current members for ongoing retention and community building.


Sue Ader


Heather S.








Religious School


Oversee the curriculum and day to day operation of the Religious School. Provide a monthly report to the Board


Temple Beit Torah's Hebrew School, Chaverim, is a great opportunity for anyone looking to get involved with the Judaic education of our youngest congregants. We teach and support learners from ages 4-13 as they discover what Judaism means to them, learn about the history of Judaism, and learn Hebrew.


Sharon Kay-Brown








Ritual Committee


Examine ways to make worship meaningful to the congregation


The Ritual Committee is involved in High Holy Days Planning, other holiday activities, Life-cycle events. Coordination with Membership, Security, and Budgeting committees. Development of a ritual/spiritual philosophy, Rabbi support, Review of traditions, recognizing our diverse congregation, and other interesting areas. We welcome any interested TBT member to participate in the TBT Ritual Committee.


Contact TBT Office










Design and implement means of safeguarding the community, property and staff daily.


Identify security risks, manage FEMA grant monies, implement safety precautions, keep informed of possible threats and inform  the Board


Wendy Chiado








Social Justice Committee


Change our world by doing good deeds


Identify social causes that align with Temple values; research how TBT can help; plan and oversee fund development and/or activities to provide support


Needs Chairperson


There are many other ways to get involved that don't require a committee commitment. Here are some:

  • Offer to lead services or co-lead with someone
  • Host an Oneg
  • Volunteer to be an usher
  • Be on-call with the Building Committee for special projects and work-days
  • Come help on garden Mitzvah days
  • Speak to Religious School kids about any area of expertise that relates to Judaism
  • Tutor Hebrew
  • Help plan a fundraiser
  • Teach an Adult-Ed class
  • Reach out to the office for other ways to get involved - see something that needs doing? Step right up!

Want to get involved in a way you don't see here? Let us know!

Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785